Session Reminders


Go back and read through your notes and e-mail me with any clarifications. This is included in your consultation fee.

Don’t wait for the perfect day or perfect moment to start. The perfect time to start is now!

Get excited about your new beginning.

Make printouts of supplemental fact sheets and keep them in your journal. Know about what you are taking and why. The brain is so unbelievably powerful. Why not use it to speed up the body’s healing process?

If flower essences or homeopathic remedies are part of your program, be sure to check this site for best practices on usage.

Keep an on-going record of any feelings, (physical, mental and emotional), that may arise during the program. Noting any changes in the body is key to developing self-awareness as the body begins the re-balancing process.

Eat at least 3 balanced meals per day. Skipping meals only slows down the metabolic process. Six smaller meals is also helpful for some. If we are working on intermittent fasting remember water and your supplements are key.

Do what works best for you.

DRINK WATER, pure water. It is vital to the proper functioning of all body systems. (The general rule is daily consumption of 1⁄2 ounce of water per pound of body weight.)

Herbology is based on the principle that if systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, etc.) are functioning properly, then the body will achieve and maintain optimum health. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are intended to supplement your proper diet to help support the body's systems.

It is important to your overall health to limit intake of caffeine, carbonated beverages, fried or refined foods and sweets. Avoidance of white flour, sugar, high fructose and artificial sweeteners are a sure move in a positive direction. Stick to Organic Stevia Leaf, Monk Fruit, Coconut Sugar, Organic Molasses, Yacon, Organic Grade A Maple Syrup, Organic Local Raw Honey for your sweeteners.

It is important to recognize that a diet high in organic fresh fruits, protein and vegetables from non-chemically produced sources are traditionally the healthiest diet for overall wellness.

Add Fiber to your diet. Increase fiber slowly to reduce bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas. Becareful of too much rice when you are on a gluten-free diet. Be adventurous, experiment with whole-grain foods: Quinoa - a complete protein, Teff - gluten free & high fiber, Amaranth - high in iron, Farro - twice the fiber & protein of whole wheat and Millet - high in manganese, magnesium & phosphorus.

Dietary fiber is only found in plant foods, highest fiber foods are whole grain cereals followed by legumes, root vegetables then fruits.

Avoid plant based processed foods. They are full of unhealthy ingredients.

Microwaved and over-cooked foods are not helpful. Enzymes that help digest foods are destroyed when the food reaches 122 degrees.

Depending on your program, choose one day a week to go off of the supplements to help the body utilize what it has been given and to begin the process of repair.

Look for Beauty, Humor & Kindness everyday and record your findings. If you cannot find them, be the source.

Remind yourself of at least 3 things in your journal for which you are grateful. Write these findings in your journal daily. As you search for these attributes, they will begin to offer themselves up to you in the most surprising ways. Keep positive thoughts and look forward to each day as it brings you closer to balance and a better quality of life.

Find movement activities you enjoy and choose one as part of your program.

Manage your stress and introduce music into your day.

Limit your exposure to toxins from your environment, food and products used in, on and around the body.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.

Let’s not underestimate fresh air, sunshine to optimize vitamin D levels, 7-8 hours of quality sleep and getting the body moving no mater what your activity level. A little can go a long way.

Always remember that your supplements will only be beneficial if you actually take them … Funny how that works.

  • If you find yourself off track during your program, that means you are human. Reach out. There is no judgement; there is no failure only support with foward momentum. If it has been a while, your body's needs will shift so it's in your best interest to seek support to regroup. Don't quit :)