The best way to thank me is referrals and to leave a kind review if you are so guided.
My life would be completely different if I had not met Christy, and I don't even want to imagine where I would be without her. Christy is truly an angel and is also a very gifted healer and teacher. I see her as my herbalist, energy worker, support team, life-coach, teacher, mentor, and (lucky me!) friend. When I need help with a physical or emotional challenge I often see Christy for herbal advice and Healing/Reiki. Her supplement programs and energy work sessions alone have helped me meet challenges in my life in just months, when it would have taken years on my own. It has been such a joy to come back to meet with Christy every few months. I love keeping a journal because this allows me to see how I am moving forward with my goals. Her gift as a medium between us and the deceased and her connection with the angels has taught me about my own support team and has helped me learn different ways of turning to spirit anytime I would like. It is such a nice reminder to know someone who is strongly connected to the ancestral realm because we often often forget that we can still communicate and feel close to loved ones who have passed. As my teacher and mentor, Christy has helped me see who I truly am and brings me closer to my optimal state of being in the world. I think this is the greatest gift anyone can share!
When I first met Christy, I felt pretty ill and did not have much hope surrounding my health issues. I now feel like the healthiest person in Virginia, and send people to her every chance I get!
J. J., Richmond, Virginia
I have been on a natural health program for the past 8 months. I have noticed a significant difference in my health since I have started with my products. I plan to continue working with my programs and keeping up with the changing needs as my body begins to repair. Christy Blair has been fabulous! She calls to see how I am progressing. She offers life coaching when it is necessary, and it has been very helpful. Even though I live in the State of Washington, Christy keeps in contact with me. She makes me feel as if she lives just around the corner. I feel changes in my health I couldn't beleive were possible!
DMS, Washington
I live in Florida and my daughter came down to see me about a month ago. I saw how good my daughter is doing and I want to feel just as good, so I decided to give it a try. I'm feeling better already, in a short period of time. Christine has a beautiful personality and really seems to care about each person individually.
Sandra, Florida
I have been using Natural Supplements since 1998 and Christy M. Blair has been my adviser, my encourager, my inspiration and teacher.
I had been taking a prescription for estrogen for almost 10 years and knew it was causing tumors in my breast. After my third surgery, I knew there had to be some other alternative. Along side of the hot flashes, anxiety there was a life long history of sinus headaches, irregularity, digestive issues and exhaustion. After I began my consultations with Christy, my program of natural supplements and continuing my visits on a regular basis for consultations, I no longer have these problems. I am able to work on maintenance and new levels of healing. I feel more balanced than ever.
I have been a caretaker most of my life and recently have had many losses in my family in a short time frame. Not only did the supplements keep me balanced but also provided me with the energy and stamina I needed to deal with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the process. I am not sure where I would have been without the support from not only the supplements, but also the flower essences, essential oils (which I so enjoy) and life strategies that were introduced. I have also had the privledge to take her classes. The information will give you the tools and guidance to handle life challenges for sure.
It's not just for people anymore. The many precious dogs in my life have also benefited from her programs. I have been amazed at the results!
Christy has taught me so much that now I feel EMPOWERED to discover what I need in many situations. I know that I am in control of my health and it no longer controls me. Doctors cannot believe that at my age of 79 I am medication free!
She is definitely a gift from God.
ESM, Virginia
I have been seeing her for over 2 years now and she has helped my body, my mind and my soul to heal. She has helped to bring me back to life. I was pretty close to dead when she found me. I was going through treatment for a serious disease at the time, and all of me had just about given up on life. She has helped me to see the beautiful person I am and the wonderful life I have ahead of me. Not all will need as much help as I did, and still do, but whatever your need, I have no doubt in my mind that she will be able to help you with it. She's wonderful.
Give her a try, you'll see.... Peace & Blessings!
Tina Y. Florida
I was one of those people that made sure everyone was happy before me, I would try to fix other people's problems before mine. I would keep every little emotion bottled up inside so no one could see, and I was so afraid if I did speak my mind I would hurt someone, get judged or maybe just be told I was wrong. Well Christy you helped me realize that by doing that I was doing more harm than good. Not only to others but mostly to myself. I felt I was in this hole and couldn't get out. It got to the point where I couldn't eat, sleep, and I didn't want to hang out with anyone but at the same time felt that I was desperate for friends. I never felt that anyone want me around that I was a burden on people and that I wasn't good enough to hang out with these people. I had no confidence.
By having me write down the things I was feeling and why I was feeling them, I noticed that I started solving my own problems, started letting go.
The best way to put it; I let go. I started doing this and could feel the change already. Then you had me take some herbs. They were for my digestive system and a little for emotional. The first month I took the herbs I felt so good. I could eat a full meal and not feel sick afterwards.
My body craved food again. Before I would force myself to eat because I knew I had to eat, plain and simple. Slowly you changed the program by having me switch to different herbs that would help me get to the point where I needed to be. I would say in a two months period doing all the herbs and exercises you had me do, I was finally finding out who I was. I was becoming my own person. I started realizing what I wanted in my life. Down to the foods I was eating, and to the people that surrounded me everyday. I even met the man of my dreams, because you helped me find me first.
I wanted to tell you about when I knew my life had finally begun. I can tell you the day and time. It was May 15, 2005 at 2:30 am. I had just gotten home from the most wonderful date of my life. I was literally floating on cloud nine. I had just dozed off when my phone rang. It turned out to be one of the people I was trying to get out of my life, the most harmful one.
After he was done saying all of he had to say, I stood there and felt like something was holding my head up and my back straight. I told him to leave and never come back I didn't want to speak to him or see him again. Now that was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Mind you this was a guy I had, had a relationship with for 2 and half years. I know now that “the something” that was holding me up was all the things you had done for me and taught me. I was now strong physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
That night was the beginning of the rest of my life.
I could have never gotten to this place if it wasn't for your help. I have never felt so happy and healthy like this before. I have never felt more confident with myself like I do now. I know now that if I love myself and am true to myself things will work out for the best.
I don't know how to tell you the amount of gratitude I have for you. It is beyond words.
You have truly changed my life and there is no doubt in my mind that this feeling that I have will never go away, because I know what it is like to not find yourself worthy and not truly like yourself and not know who you are. I am now that strong, independent and confident woman that I always wanted to be.
I just hope all the other women out in the world who feel the way I felt OR have their own troubles in their journey have the opportunity to do what I did, and know that help is right at their finger tips even if you are on the other coast like I am. It’s amazing that I am who I am today with all of this work via telephone!
Please share this letter with the groups of women you meet. Tell them not to waste one more day of their lives and that the beautiful journey begins today.
Next month I marry the man of my dreams, because I now like who I am and feel worthy and in control of my life choices. Thank you.
Your Grateful Client, L.S. , Washington
I have known and counseled with Christy Blair for over 14 years. It has been my experience that she is incredibly knowledgeable about the human body and how it operates and what nutrition is needed to keep the body healthy and balanced. Most importantly to me is her Intuitive Ablilities and deep connection with God's Holy Angels and the Divine. On many occasions I have asked questions about life decisions that I needed to make and received very clear and concise direction to make those decisions And those have truly served me well! Christy is truly kind, warm and compassionate and always ready to help and guide me with love in the areas where I need direction. I would not for one moment hesitate to recommend Christy and her wide array of service to anyone!
In Light, Cindy W. , Texas
Two words... LIFE CHANGING!! Thanks to Christy's care and guidance, I was able to break free from a long and often frightening home situation. She has such a gift and is so incredibly effective in communicating exactly what you need to hear in a manner that helps one move forward based on her accurate intuitive insight. She keeps things light but places emphasis where need with such grace and support. When I think about the state I was in when I first came to know Christy compared to how my life is now, it's nothing short of magical. I have a true confidence and peace that I will stand firm for the rest of my life!
THANK YOU Christy! Because of you, I am forever changed for the good.
Chris R., Virginia
I called Christine after a friend mentioned a consultation that she had. On the phone Christine asked what I would be looking for and I mentioned "EVERYTHING"... nutrition, mental support, spiritual/Angel communication, a little bit of everything. BUT what I have come away with has been so much more. Christine was the only person to guide me to put my daughter on a gluten free diet after she experienced shaky spells at age 5. Two endocrinologist feared Type 1 diabetes yet never recommended a simple dietary change. Christtine also was able to help me understand about my mom's presence since her passing in 2005. This understanding came in the form of a loving knowledge that my mom was still helping me from the othere side, in so many ways, that I just couldn't see. Christine's gifts are wrapped in love, joy and kindness. A session with Christine for me isn't about where to go, but much more about how to "see" and giving me the tools I need to get there.
Love, Tucker, Virginia
On this anniversary of the day I was born, I reflect on my many blessings with a stronger sense of thanksgiving. You Christine are at the top of my list and I am most grateful for you. Thank you for all you give to me and my soul! You've got to be an angel or at least part angel as you continue to light up my life with every consult and every healing session. May the magic of your words continue to influence me and pull me up when needed and help me rise above and beyond the fray of life.
If I ever doubted before now, that you are guided by God, and that He gives us gifts, that doubt is now non-existent. There is a peace I receive from you that I find no where else.
What a great blessing it is to receive.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Gloria M., Louisiana
We are in 5th of May and I want to say how thankful I am for your medium message. It brought me so much peace and was exactly what I needed to hear. I wish I had recorded or taken notes. You allowed me to see the beautiful soul that she was and she is still. Yesterday when returning from the train station to get a refund from the travel we were supposed to take, I got into the car and heard our shared favorite Adagio 2nd movement to Rachmaninoff's 1st Pinano Concerto playing the most beautiful piece and I burst into tears as I thought of the beautiful love she gave to me. Thank you for bringing her spiritual messages to me. I wanted you to know that. Thank you again for the gift of peace.
R. G., California
She has been an angel herself to me! Since I started my journey with Christine, my life has gained meaning again. The inflammation and pain in my body has greatly reduced and it has given me the opportunity to live a normal and active life. For a long time, I would wake up with so much pain in my body where I was so depressed and unhappy even though I have everything that anyone could want in their life. I have a loving family, a fulfilling job, many friends that love me, but nothing made me happy because I was in pain ALL THE TIME. For many years I ate healthy, did everthing my physicians and holistic practitioners recommended, but nothing worked. The journey has not been easy and sometimes not enjoyable. But after a year and a half I can tell you that my blood pressure is at a healthy range and my pain is down 90% and some days not at all. I sleep through the night and my mornings are VERY different than a year ago. I still have a little bit to go, but the journey is so hopeful. My life is back!
Hermas P. , Virginia
When I first started with Christy, I did not know what to expect. In fact I was cautious as I usually am opening myself up to people who are spiritually gifted. Through the years I have experienced Christy’s authenticity, professionalism, expertise in her craft, and deep caring for me as a client. Christy goes the extra mile to ensure that my needs are met. She is wholistic in her approach and strives to make sure that my physical, mental, and spiritual health is balanced. And for me, the most important aspect of Christy’s care is that she is Christ-centered. Christy has been a true gift in my life and I cannot thank her enough.
Signed, Grateful
MKB , Bridgewater, Virginia
Christine, I appreciate you with all of my heart. I thank you for always working with me.
Christine has a unique way of healing. One time I had a bad sinus infection and let me tell you when I get sinus infections, it comes with the worst cough of my life. This leads to the fact I don’t sleep well at night because I cough so hard. I finally had made the decision to have a session with Christine.
She worked on me for about an hour and at the end of the session, she said, "I know your cough is really bad. I tried to work on you the best I could, but it might get worse before it gets better." I thought to myself. Oh brother, no way that’s going to get worse. Well, after not getting good night's sleep for the past four nights, I finally slept so peacefully. The next day, I texted her because I wanted to thank her. I told her that I had the best sleep that week!! She was shocked how quickly I had healed, but I wasn’t.
I know how much love and hard work she puts into her sessions. The way Christine is able to connect with our Angels, spirit guides, Jesus and Mary and tell us messages while she works on us is absolutely beautiful.
Christine has such a organically beautiful way of making me feel seen and loved. The way she speaks is so genuine. It makes my heart full. It makes me feel so loved, peaceful, and full of courage. This woman knows how to speak fear out of my soul, and for that I will forever be grateful.
I’ve never met Christine in person, but I can assure you this woman has a deep part of my heart. No matter how hard the issues may be in my session that day, I always end up feeling so loved, special, and re-energized. She makes me feel like I can actually rule a part of the world! All laughs aside, Christine thank you for all that you do.
I can assure you, your clients feel better living in this world because of you.
Love, Cristina T. , Oklahoma
I have seen many people who communicate with the other side and none are as consistently clear and accurate as Christine. She is the real deal. I am so glad I found her! Raymond T., California